Regional collaboration for EKO AGRO Group

The EKO AGRO Group signed a pilot protocol agreement with the Tuscany Region in Italy for the launch of the Carbon Free digital certification of its “Made in Tuscany” food products.

Capital Increase

ESGTI increased its capital by issuing 1,530,000 ordinary shares, resulting in 15,282,935 registered shares issued at CHF 4 per share.

New Board of Directors

ESGTI AG elected Dimitri Dimitrou, Wolfgang Werlé and Hermann Wirz as new members of the Board of Directors.

Capital Increase

ESGTI increased its capital by issuing a maximum number of 16,891,00 registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 1.56 each.

ESG Conglomerate

ESG EKO AGRO Group is now positioned as an ESG investment company.

Alternative Energy

ESG EKO AGRO AG acquired a significant stake in AltEnergis plc, London.

Wind Power

ESG investment portfolio

The group signed a binding (MoU) for the acquisition of three wind-power projects.