The Board of Directors is pleased to announce that yesterday’s Annual General Meeting has approved all proposals of the Board of Directors.
The most important resolutions are:
- Name change: The new company name is as per today ESGTI AG
- Ordinary capital increase to issue a maximum number of 16,891,000 registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 1.56 each for an issue price of at least CHF 4 per share.
- Messrs. Dimitri Dimitriou, Wolfgang Werlé and Hermann Wirz have been elected as new members of the Board of Directors, whereby the present members have been re-elected for another term.
You can read the full minutes here.
The Board of Directors also announces that the first tranche of the approved ordinary capital increase has already been completed following the Annual General Meeting by a subscription of 13,752,438 registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 1.56 each at an issue price of CHF 4 per share. The current share capital of the company thus amounts to CHF 29,838,803.28.
For the tranche of the capital increase that has not yet been completed, investors interested in subscribing may request the issue prospectus by sending an email to